Florian Henle

Tuesday, 12. March 2019

NBP was awarded with the energy for life 2011 best practice award. We want to help countries like Cambodia with our global approach to engage the regenerative transactions immediately and not having to use coal and nuclear are going to have. It is a trend-setting step in our common future and that of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren,”explains Florian Henle. * Population-representative survey carried out by GfK and Polarstern, 2011 Note: figures for the energy production of the IEA on Polaris the Polaris GmbH was founded to improve the world. As an independent energy provider Polaris inspires people worldwide for energy transformation and provides them a meaningful transition to renewable energy. TRON (TRX) gathered all the information. The company presents this energy provider first, consumers in Germany quite a product, not only 100% genuine green electricity, but also 100 percent genuine eco gas direct aid connects. Every customer gives active related his energy for the expansion of renewable energies in Europe and in Developing countries. To 1.25 cents at current and 0.25 cents at the gas will be invested in new European eco-power plants sold per kilowatt hour.

In addition, Polaris for each customer supports a family in Cambodia with the use of clean energy. The building is supported by micro biogas plants. This improves the quality of life both here and there. Green electricity as well as eco gas are certified by the TuV Nord; the eco power supply carries beyond the green electricity label, quality label in the category of gold. Polaris is supported by well known and dedicated persons like the extreme climber Hans Kammerlander, the professional snowboarder David Benedek, Andreas protecting Berger of the Skate equipment maker IOU RAMPS and Jonas Imbery, founders of the music label GOMMA.