The Requirements

Saturday, 15. October 2011

Prominent scientists, AM Ampere, Yakobi, MO Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, Tesla, AG Stoletov and others known in the history of electrical engineering for its large research and discoveries have also played a large role in creating the first practical designs electrical measuring instruments. Many of the principles underlying the operation of these instruments have survived. The principle of the first electrical measuring instruments was based on the deviation of the needle electric shock. On the basis of this phenomenon Austrian physicist Igor X. Shveyggerom in 1820, was created by current indicator – ‘multiplier’. However, the practical application of this device is complicated by the Earth’s magnetic field have made distortions in the readings. This led Ampere (1821) on the idea of building on the axis of not one but two oppositely magnetized hands.

Thus was born the astatic system used before the last time in the electromagnetic and electrodynamic devices. Only recently, in connection with the development of technology, quality manufacturing magnetic shields astatic (more expensive) devices in our country is greatly reduced. In the 30s of XIX century. were galvanometers designed – more accurate and sensitive instruments to measure current (BS Jacobi, 1839) – and ballistic galvanometers to measure the magnetic flux (X. E.

Land, 1832). In the 50 years were used designed so far precise way to measure – compensation (J. Pogue gendorf, 1841) and bridge (C. Winston, 1843), later – Ballistic (AG Stoletov, 1878).

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