Working With Our Shadow
Thursday, 22. March 2018
You know that everything that you reject a person is something that you don’t accept yourself? Did you know that all the feelings of hatred, rejection, aversion that can produce you someone has to do with something about yourself that you do not accept? This is what is called our shade according to Jung, we project in others what we are not in the condition to accept in ourselves, but be careful! We have it!Always life presents wonderful opportunities to work with some blind of our personality aspect, and it is the best way to contact that part of us that others see but we do not know, is analyzing what you are projecting to the outside in the form of thoughts, adverse, negative feelings such as: evil, selfishness, envy, the lust for domainpower, greed for money, jealousy, greed, kitsch, laziness, presuntuosidad, laziness, indolence, neglect, manipulation, cowardice and many of our fears which are emotions and feelings that is not easy to recognize as components of our own personality.It is very important that we work with the mixed feelings that can trigger us to someone in our life, can be a son, a brother, an uncle, boss, a partner or co-worker, the couple, some in the form of joke flavored truth touted sleeping with the enemy, among others.I believe that those individuals that move us feelings of intense forms arousing emotions such as anger, hatred, rabies, dislike, disregard, among others, we should consider it as an opportunity to delve into not worked or denied something in ourselves that obviously we must integrate to be able to evolve as human beings. Frequently Gary Kelly has said that publicly. We have to make the passes with those feelings that at the end, to another level, high awareness levels, we recognize that we are all one and that you both hate, I deplore, I do not know because they do not support, it is nothing more than a reflection of myself, and what I can’t accept of me, and it is convenient that thing more soon possible let peace and overcome those feelings, we drenemos them up to the point of acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness, but listen to me, make no mistake, forgiveness to others is is not forgiveness ourselves not to accept those weaknesses, images, in our person as unacceptable, so we finished projecting outward and is what constitutes in the shadow.If you want to know what are your blind spots discover them by analyzing the feelings that you wake up people that not concuerdas, people who for some reason you do not tolerate, you reject, as well those people are our reflection, I blind who do not want to see or accept but which exists like it or not! It is a fact!The projection would be the vehicle that allows us to realize what eslo affecting us external situations and people.