Capacity Proclamation

Friday, 1. August 2014

It also occurs of it not to be certain if the company has conditions to honor its compromisso.b) If the item was bought for the house of it, it would buy in its store? c) If the situation occurs in the end of the year, is necessary to have more persistence to spend the money therefore the registrations in remaining portions to pay impactam the limit of payments (LP) of the fiscal year seguinte.d) Can occur that the agency does not have received enough budgetary resources for the conclusion from the activities foreseen for the current year. then, the sales that if found ‘ ‘ certa’ ‘ it was not materialize. Here I make a memory, that me seems half obvious, but that it needs to be said: in processes of registers of prices it does not have the obligatoriness of the accomplishment of the acquisition. Today, I have perceived that Administration is much more easy it to make a proclamation of register of prices instead of making a common proclamation. If the price will not be good, the item is not bought, amongst some other comments. Of this everything elapses the importance of the commercial visit. To know who is ‘ ‘ of the other side of balco’ ‘ it is a relief for the Administration.

To know the person, to have its commercial contacts effectively established, to know who they are the other customers of the supplier are things that stimulate the confidence in the supply. Then, the tip goes there: if its company to win a proclamation of register of prices, make a commercial visit to the public agency. It knows the involved people in the process: the person in charge of the solicitant sector of the material, the person in charge of the warehouse, financial manager e, if possible, the collator of expenditures. He has taken a penxs or a block of notations with logotipo of its company (these item always are necessary lack in the table of the Administrator), offers and them as toast. In case that its company is far from the place, if she is valid some commercial representative in the area.

Summarizing: it sees what it is happening in the agency, which its difficulties and necessities. What it matters for the Administrator is that its company is known e, in the end, recognized for the promptness in the fulfilment of the firmed Act. more: if it does not forget the final o of the validity of the Act, to request Certified of Capacity the Technique, that could very be important in the future. Good businesses.

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