Diamonds Trade Company
Friday, 12. January 2018
Said all of the above will have to from the expressed analyze prices on function of different parameters or characteristics of diamonds. We have to be clear what we want to buy to have the four qualities that all shiny investment must have:-COLOR: always buy H (color). The price of these stones is a price average, which will lead us to sell them in the future without too many complications. If compraamos the TOP of colour limit the spectrum of potential future customers. -PURITY: always buy VS (purity). They are diamonds without hardly inclusions and valued in the market. If you buy quality far superior we’ll see how the price is very high with the consequent problem of sale in the future.
-SIZE: always buy VERY GOOD, VERY GOOD. The carving is one of the key factors to consider. A good size enhances the diamond and is valued in the market in a very significant way. -KARAT: The investment diamond weight is very important. Investment diamonds are those that weigh 0.50 ktes or more.
A larger diamond is harder to find, so its price will always be exposed to rises significant over time. We must not forget that the diamond is a scarce and according to the DTC (Diamonds Trade Company) deposits of diamonds for twenty years, little more. Therefore, and in short, we will have to take into account these four factors: COLOR, purity, size and weight. A good balance between these four characteristics will be essential to ensure us that we have made a good buy. Where to buy?. Here we must distinguish between classical jewelry, and establishments that offer us to buy jewelry and loose diamonds without mounting, and that as I mentioned earlier, should be professionals of the Gemology. It is normal that these establishments are regentados by wholesalers, so always have the possibility of having a large stock to choose from. We must not estranarnos that there is a significant difference between a loose bright and shiny it mounted. Buy fabric to make a shirt that buy already made shirt isn’t the same. The establishment that has diamonds loose for sale (there are few) It is clear that when you sell a loose diamond you must put a price much more lower than when a jewel is already made. Here it may be said that most are worth selling many narrowly that few by far.