Dynamics Constructing
Sunday, 22. June 2014
Dynamics: Constructing a history together N of participants: 10 the 20 The ministrante asks for to that if they feel in semicircle, delivers the first one, a blank leaf ex-officio; it will have to start to write a history any, any thing that pass for its head at the moment, the ministrante will have to interrupt history and always to ask for to pass the leaf to the next one, and thus successively, until arriving at the last participant. In the end, the ministrante will have to count in high voice what all had written together. Moral: To have a good history in any institution, it is necessary connection enters involved in the process, the all must be interacted so that the work in set is favorable to all. This dynamics serves to work democratic management (work in team, project pedagogical politician, meeting of parents and masters, meeting with the pertaining to school community, pedagogical meeting, among others).