Saturday, 19. April 2014
Investment concept proves itself; There are unplanned payouts to investors 2010 Constance / Cham (Switzerland), 31.08.2011. good news for investors in the Fund initiator global invest. Due to the good economic situation, management decided to offer not only the distributions for the first half of 2011 to carry, but also in 2010 acceded shareholders distributions soon. Initially the upcoming shareholder meeting must decide on this. Generally the Fund concept was that only from the year 2011 distributions amounting to 15 per cent are to investors be paid every six months. We would not discriminate against investors of the first hour due to the good economic base and therefore have suggested that they have a claim on the 15 per cent per annum for the year 2010, and also pro rata from the month following the deposit of the deposit”, Helge Quehl said the global invest group. Global invest thus follows his motto one fair partnership with investors on a corporate basis. The global invest wind farm opportunity Fund 1 opts for the short-term realization of wind farm projects in Poland.
Thanks to the close cooperation with gwp German wind power are doing success promising locations searched, evaluated and finally prepared as possible wind farm. While the lead-time of such projects with around three years is rather, gwp projects also pre-engineered in the cooperation brings however and therefore a relatively quick profit realization is possible”, explains Helge Quehl. Another advantage: By investing in the development of wind power projects, the Fund has no risk of the operator. Rather invest opts for global in cooperation with gwp German wind power, one of the space deer in the Polish market, suitable projects to be implemented quickly. Global invest can also to point out that gwp has a long list of interesting projects in the pipeline. Supply of investment opportunities is so provided. When appropriate Access to capital is possible”a variety of projects to be implemented quickly, Dr. Helmut Kahlert is confirmed by the gwp.
This utilizes the funds, without however leaving the protection of the invested capital disregard. Because the vast majority of the Fund’s capital flows as a priority to use loan with an interest rate of eight percent to the parent company”gwp and is in addition each shock to 125 percent through projects or secured by the assignment of other valuable rights (such as through management rights, etc.). So, only a small part is through a direct investment in the project development company Hosea in the risk”made but also with the corresponding yields. And they are very high in this business. This intelligent security architecture”at attractive yield prospects of scores global invest wind farm opportunity Fund 1 in its segment with a unique opportunity / risk structure. Information about the company: