Paul Bauder Gmb

Thursday, 14. February 2019

Bauder continues to focus on photovoltaic systems – but only to secure roofs, high quality sealing systems, as well as the high-performance insulating material polyurethane foam are major growth drivers and make long term safe roofs. Bauder continues but also on the energy on flat roofs of commercial buildings. Ripple oftentimes addresses this issue. Mainly for self-consumption, continuative photovoltaic systems pay off economically. You make the industry less dependent on rising energy prices. This emphasis Babul especially on the long-term safety of roofs: the minimum duration of PV installations will be calculated at the age of 20, according to high quality waterproofing bitumen or plastic should be at least as durable.

So no more energy is lost than can be gained, according to effective insulation measures play an important role. The simple and penetration-free mounting of the SOLfixx system makes sure the rooftop photovoltaic and ensures that quality and durability of the roof construction to the PV system will fit. Bauders forecast 2013 remains only around renovated one-quarter of the building stock and the awareness of energy conservation through insulation is, so that the work on the roof will not go off and the management sees no reason for concern. Thereby, the company delivers about two-thirds of the turnover in the renovation, a third in the new building. After a long winter, Bauder is located at the end of the first quarter just behind plan. A quarter of Babul employees are at the customers location – for builders, planners and architects, fabricators and dealers, so the roof specialist is at any time close to the market as an independent family company it can react quickly to changes. More information at: Paul Bauder GmbH & co. KG, telephone 0711 8807-0, fax 0711 8807-291 or under.

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