Tuesday, 8. July 2014
Hello Reader! If you're reading this means you're tired of hours to look for crack or keygen for the new prog, or even wait until it comes out. In this (hopefully) series, I try to describe how 'research Protection programs, 'and help you not to wait for the mercy crackers, and by breaking the program. In the first article I will describe the theory and some of the terms, and then begin to practice the following articles. So get started! (A few paragraphs about AFM) Assembler – (People AFM) low-level programming language (which means that it most closely approximates to machine code that is only one operator (the team) Asma correspond to machine code). Because of this program on ACME obtained as Fast and small. Very often written in assembler critical (which in other languages is very slow run) area code, as well as the driver. For example in C + + language (high level) there is support for assembler inserts (Ie to the basic code in C + +, you can even paste the code in the ASME). Perhaps you ask, why do we do this AFM? We are pleased to answer them.
The fact that any compiled program (. Exe) can be represented in assembly language. That is it you see in analyzing the program, rather than the language in which it was written (of course, there are now programs that recognize the code, on which was written application, but mostly they are ineffective). Thus, start actually to Asma.