Solar Industry
Thursday, 8. February 2018
Is the solar industry on the ground? Almost daily bankruptcies of from reputable companies are reported in the news. On the other hand are also almost daily messages in superlatives. u0085.die solar industry winds up in the spring and just before the beginning of summer 2012 on the ground. Almost daily bankruptcies of from reputable companies are reported in the news. On the other hand are also such almost daily news in superlatives: such as: country, Europe, the world’s largest PV plant was again. dedicated, large plants are supposedly meaning housing, because: they deliver but real amounts of electricity, avoid CO2 and provide so and striking as many households with clean energy: the text is nearly always the same.
It was decided as we know the energy revolution, but its obviously without rhyme or reason and probably deliberate exclusion of the rules of the market economy implemented. Two years ago, the second ODERSUN opened plant (SUN TWO) in Furstenwalde. In the euphoria of the exuberant, the responsible posaunten in the cameras: ODERSUN will open another work each year. Now ODERSUN is insolvent, employees were dismissed. You can now hear amazing: ODERSUN has existed for 10 years and has no marketable product until today.
How does something like that? Was just hot air and hubris subsidized, who funds worn and this beautiful lived? There is not even the approach of personalization. On people, the projects: CargoLifter, chip factory in Frankfurt / Oder, have to answer for loud ring, you maybe still dimly remember. It caused enormous damage, someone was never held responsible. Probably this will always. To keep the solar industry: what about other mass module manufacturers in Germany, enter the rows now, what had so everything on the subsidy Pan? When I hear for example by a young, dynamic and currently starting by German companies, as the module manufacturer, I’m already thinking.