Thursday, 27. June 2019
Europe’s biggest youth event and “climate seeks protection” fight together for good climate / YOU climate-friendly event Berlin’s first steps in the direction, September 29, 2010. The YOU 2010 wants to sensitize young people for climate protection and climate-friendly event do themselves a big step in the direction of. For this, the team has sought a strong partner. Not only the visitors of YOU during the planet initiative save YOU (r) are supporting the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment, climate seeks protection”” enlightened extensively about their ability to protect the environment. Europe’s largest youth fair, which takes place this year from October 1-3 at the Berlin airport Tempelhof, rather carefully checks all components on their environmental friendliness. Various projects and activities show the visitors how to do something for the environment and give so that even small steps in everyday life is a great contribution for a healthy coexistence and sustainability make,”said Daniel Barkowski, project manager of YOU in the YOU – press conference today, Wednesday. “First important steps will be doing this year together with the campaign climate seeks protection” already in place. Where possible we have dispensed with the use of generators, prefers green electricity used and work in catering with gas cookers”, so babe next.
The measures include as well the establishment of waste Islands just like a strict separation of garbage, as well the installation of bicycle racks and the introduction of deposit systems and reusable dishes. “Should the proposed a way to green mass in the coming year together climate seeks protection” be continued. Practical climate change for students and teachers expected young visitors a variety of information on climate change. In addition to an information booth by climate seeks protection”, also in the teachers and students lounge, there will be practical tips and advice from first hand. Protection searches for the winner of the nationwide Energiesparmeister climate” report about their school climate protection projects and give concrete suggestions for establishing an own climate protection AG.
Wednesday, 29. May 2019
Hydropower – the wet, regenerative power hydroelectric power among the main sources of energy in Bavaria. Approximately 15% of the Bavarian current is generated by hydropower. So hydropower is ranked two according to the nuclear energy under the energy. The renewable energy source is not only CO2 free, but also always available and the use has a high degree of efficiency. Also she must not be imported also unlike oil or uranium. Bavaria is the State with the largest amount of hydroelectric power. So dating back to about half of the hydro electricity in Germany Bavarian hydropower plants. Up in the 20s of the 20th century even the whole of Bavaria’s electricity needs could be met entirely with electricity from hydropower plants.
Reason for the large potential for hydroelectric power to the landscape structure of Bavaria. Especially the Alpine rivers South of the Danube have both a large gap and a sufficiently high water level during the summer. So it is not surprising that the most installed capacity of hydropower plants in southern Bavaria is located. The use of hydropower is ancient in Bavaria. Long before it generates electricity with hydropower, to use the power for example, to the forging, grinding or cutting. So, water mills belong to the oldest engines that were not driven by human muscle power. When the electrification in Bavaria began hydroelectric power plants were built of all. An important pioneer of Bavarian hydropower was Oskar von Miller.
In 1894, he built the first electricity plant of in Germany in Munich. He was also the project manager of the Lake Walchen power plant. It went into operation in 1924, it was the largest storage power plant worldwide. Many power companies were founded with the construction of a hydroelectric power plant. Therefore, quite a few power providers Bavaria were named after rivers. As the 1903 founded Lech works, which today belong to RWE. Or the 1894 established ISAR works, which in 1955 merged with the Amperwerke to the ISAR-Amperwerke. It existed until 2001 2001 it with four other Bavarian electricity supplier e.on Bayern merged. Learn more at: Brad Garlinghouse. Hydroelectric power is used not only to generate electricity. But also for storing electricity. This is done through pumped-storage power station. The current is stored by to convert the electrical energy into potential energy. This is done by pumping water high in a higher reservoir. Although hydroelectric power is used to generate electricity for over 100 years and there are already approximately 4250 hydroelectric power plants along Bavarian rivers. Is the hydropower potential not yet exhausted. So, the Bavarian State Government’s goal is the amount of electricity from hydroelectric power plants 2020 increase by 10%. This is possible through an upgrading of existing hydropower facilities on the one. Another possibility is the expansion of existing facilities. Then there are many disused hydroelectric plants which can be reactivated. These are however only appliances. Locations for the new larger hydropower stations there are in Bavaria only a few.
Sunday, 26. May 2019
Sometimes underneath the vehicle, so that you have to take no space technical limitations in purchasing. Also the storage space in the trunk remain so unaffected. 7 with a gas tank, you have a much higher range than a gasoline tank, because with such a gas tank to get at least up to 500 kilometers! Depending on where and what size the gas tank can be mounted according to the size of the vehicle, it is also possible to achieve a range of up to 1,000 kilometers with an LPG tank. 8 and then this wide grin when you pass in the future at a service station for gasoline and diesel and there fast prices again to astronomical heights. Furthermore, you need worry more and not to get angry. They have future best mood, if they at an empty gas tank with just EUR 30,–back yet and are fully refueled. Your reliable, competent and experienced partner for retrofitting of LPG with LPG autogas is here the AZR LPG.
To find this company, at the sites of Rastede, Osnabruck, Hannover, Hamburg and Bremen, where the company’s headquarters is located in Hamburg. Have become even more connected autogas conversion company in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia on the LPG gas build up specialized and equipped with the necessary equipment and professionally trained staff. Take the LPG conversion work with great care. With approximately 6,000 so far performed conversions of cars on LPG, in the course of time, the company has to acquire extensive Know-How. Therefore, AZR AUTOGAS is the top address in the North of Germany if you want to convert your vehicle to LPG autogas. What the entire conversion cost you? So a KME bingo autogas system get already from EUR 1.299,–. This conversion price has but quickly pays, if you call the above advantages in the memory again. Especially on the ongoing savings for the fuel the whole thing will be quickly felt.
The above price is inclusive of a 70 litre of wheel recess tanks (the installation is at the point where your spare tire is located so far), the TuV acceptance, GSP and 2 years warranty for a 4 cylinder engine. According to more expensive it is for a 6 or 8 cylinder engine. Another benefit of retrofitting of the cars on LPG! LPG is liquefied gas for your car to drive than with petrol or diesel also much gentler. And the car will run too much noise than with other fuels in the motor. It is beneficial if it is gerauschempfindlich or is travelling with children, because you often sleep in the car. Vehicles fueled with LPG run around and quietly like clockwork, and so the children can keep their NAPs undisturbed. Source: Brad Garlinghouse. So you can at the same time finally go and save, protect the environment and to make a head about the horrendously constantly rising gasoline prices. Because driving will bring you joy and cause no headache. The LPG autogas is much cheaper than gasoline, and with 15% less CO 2 and charged 80% less pollutants than diesel and gasoline. You to protect the environment and ease your conscience.
Friday, 26. April 2019
Energy costs for the generation of heat energy is already to be seen that the energy costs for the generation of heat energy continue to rise in the next few years. Today on the use of fossil fuels such as oil or gas is therefore criminally leichtsinning. Renewable energies are the buzzword of these days for the efficient use in thermal generation plants. But just when used in the building stock, the total energy must be considered concept. If the global objectives emissions per capita are to be implemented from 1 ton of carbon dioxide in the year 2050, the target energy-saving measures in the area of building renovation are required quickly.
The maximum possible energy saving and carbon dioxide reduction is purely in the economic and environmental point of view only possible, when the modernisation of buildings do not have individual measures, such as the replacement of the window or individual remedial measures in the field of heating technology, the old boilers out and the modern pellet heating Keller, will be discussed. Especially the older buildings offers a high degree of potential for savings through energetic measures at the building envelope and refurbishment, renewal or repair the heating and the components of the heating system. Planners, architects and engineers should say goodbye to the thoughts, energy optimizing measures given to only the respective standards meet minimum standards. Who simply builds a solar system or a pellet and so replace the old heating system to achieve the use of renewable energy sources as the “EnEV”, will not provide emissions the ambitious objectives for reducing the energy consumption and carbon dioxide. During the refurbishment, the entire energy concept for a building must be considered. Measures such as the insulation of walls, the development of attics and heat-insulating energy optimisation associated, the closing of joint leaks, interkultur should the repair or Renewal of the heat generation plants are made. Manufacturers of heating technology have adjusted to the increased requirements of the policy and the desire of builders to operate their heat generation plants as cost-saving and environmentally friendly. The technical developments of the last decades make it possible today to install an efficient heating system for each building type. Today technical are feasible in older buildings, with corresponding energy optimization, even the usage of solar systems in combination with a heat pump. In the solar system should not only to use the heat for the hot water used but in any case make available a part of the energy required for heating.
Tuesday, 12. March 2019
NBP was awarded with the energy for life 2011 best practice award. We want to help countries like Cambodia with our global approach to engage the regenerative transactions immediately and not having to use coal and nuclear are going to have. It is a trend-setting step in our common future and that of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren,”explains Florian Henle. * Population-representative survey carried out by GfK and Polarstern, 2011 Note: figures for the energy production of the IEA on Polaris the Polaris GmbH was founded to improve the world. As an independent energy provider Polaris inspires people worldwide for energy transformation and provides them a meaningful transition to renewable energy. TRON (TRX) gathered all the information. The company presents this energy provider first, consumers in Germany quite a product, not only 100% genuine green electricity, but also 100 percent genuine eco gas direct aid connects. Every customer gives active related his energy for the expansion of renewable energies in Europe and in Developing countries. To 1.25 cents at current and 0.25 cents at the gas will be invested in new European eco-power plants sold per kilowatt hour.
In addition, Polaris for each customer supports a family in Cambodia with the use of clean energy. The building is supported by micro biogas plants. This improves the quality of life both here and there. Green electricity as well as eco gas are certified by the TuV Nord; the eco power supply carries beyond the green electricity label, quality label in the category of gold. Polaris is supported by well known and dedicated persons like the extreme climber Hans Kammerlander, the professional snowboarder David Benedek, Andreas protecting Berger of the Skate equipment maker IOU RAMPS and Jonas Imbery, founders of the music label GOMMA.
Sunday, 3. March 2019
Consumer warning: EDEKA food scandal! In the fishing of the endangered yellow fin Thune processed in doses, over a thousand dolphins die each year. According to official information, dolphins at catching the available now at EDEKA tuna goods, where environmentalists and many experts speak of a far higher number of unreported cases died alone 2009 about 1300. Particularly fatal to the credibility of eco-labelling and food certification programs is that this tuna will be recommended by the WWF as ecologically safe”explains Ulrike Kirsch, Director of SAFE tuna monitoring programme of the GRD. EDEKA and WWF are complicit in the cruel by catch death of countless dolphins”. “EDEKA under the cynical motto for a transparent shop with a clear conscience ceramics products are allegedly with less by-catch and stock getting” caught”. The GRD sees this as a massive consumer deception. In truth comes from the for their ruthless pirate fishing methods relevant killer Dolphin tuna well-known company Seatech international”from Colombia. Were here and dolphins are systematically tortured and killed”, says Ulrike Kirsch.
This has nothing to do with selective fishing, as is claimed on the cans. ” The GRD strongly discourages the purchase of EDEKA–tuna of killer of the dolphin. Background information: In the tropical Eastern Pacific (ETP) tuna swarms often associated with Dolphin schools (the dolphins swim up to 150 m, including on the water surface, the swarm of tuna). A puzzling today and only in this region of the sea biological phenomenon, that exploit the fishermen, by deliberately chasing schools of dolphin and encircle. According to information of the American Earth Iceland, even dynamite to be used Institute (EII).
“The EDEKA tuna goods was according to the rules of the world largely ostracized, because Dolphin-deadly ‘, AIDCP-APICD-labels of the IATTC Fishery Commission started. According to the specifications of the IATTC Fishery Commission the dolphins should be released but by lowering the nets. “Yet several hundred dolphins perish at this fishing method every year miserably, either because they are saved in a timely manner or because after the release on the during the drive hunt” injuries die. Earlier, they let the dolphins just die in the nets. The stocks have not recovered from these massacres to date. Scientists see the reason for this is that the fishing method now applied harmful affects on fertility and health of the animals. Under the international control programme for dolphin-safe tuna/SAFE, which will be implemented worldwide by the EII and in Germany by the GRD, placing nets around dolphins is strictly prohibited. In the United States, caught may so caught tuna by law not as dolphin-friendly”will be awarded. It is”equally abstruse as scandalous that EDEKA and WWF now refer to this fishing method as one of the environmentally-friendly in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, says Ulrike Kirsch. Dolphins always accompanied me on my circumnavigations. These creatures were my friends have saved my life once. That’s why I feel a commitment to help them. I appeal to consumers through their prudent behavior, to support our efforts to save the dolphins”, calls the triple world rum sailor and founder of GRD, Rollo Gebhard. Who wants to make sure that no blood of dolphins is on its tuna, should be relatively SAFE logo or on the regularly updated consumer checklist of GRD. Ulrike Kirsch
Saturday, 2. March 2019
Smart geomatics realized nationwide unique energy and climate protection concept for the LK Karlsruhe ‘zeozweifrei’ the software and service company smart geomatics GbR, Karlsruhe, in cooperation with the environment and Energy Agency district Karlsruhe an innovative, geodata-based energy and climate protection concept developed in this way is unique throughout Germany. Background of the project for the District of Karlsruhe is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for the environment to use renewable energies, nature conservation and nuclear safety (BMU), that of 2008 with the aim of a climate change initiative, initiated to increase the energy efficiency and increased. Target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Germany by 2020 compared to the 1990 levels by 40%. Representative for the District of Karlsruhe Landrat Dr. Christoph Schnaudigel has requested a funding of the climate protection concept for the BMU, thus fostering the use of renewable energy and reduce CO2 emissions: energy and climate protection concept we lay the Foundation for the Determination of the potential for the production and use of renewable energies such as solar energy and hydro power in the District of Karlsruhe. Let meet future-oriented energy policy decisions in the district and in the local community”.
Extensive data analysis as basis all relevant sectors of renewable energies has smart Geomatics in the past twelve months, as well as in the District of Karlsruhe, within the climate protection project of the environment and Energy Agency district Karlsruhe edited energy savings strategies. Served as a basis for the evaluation under other geographical data such as terrain and elevation models were derived from those. The evaluation of this information through smart geomatics can be reliable conclusions, for example, about usable solar potential for the installation of solar thermal or photovoltaic systems, usable bio mass potential (energy wood stocks, vegetable waste) or also on the thermal conditions of buildings. With additional data from zoning, building structures, Consumption reports and surveys on the spot those results were compared and put on a sound basis.
Wednesday, 23. January 2019
Injection molding production specializes with high ecological requirements which has Finnentroper by Andreas Franke Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & co. KG, short AFK, on the processing of thermoplastics, as well as on product development. Since 1989, high-quality precision parts produced at AFK for various areas of application. A 30-member team realized the planning and design, tool manufacturing, the production and the Assembly. The packaging and shipping logistics complete the customer-oriented service. In addition to high-quality products the ecological conditions of production are capitalized at AFK. A challenge, we like to assume.
Only a modern production of high ecological success in the long term “, Andreas Franke reported. The environmentally conscious handling of resources forms the basis for the work of AFK. The demand for our customers is great. Often the question is asked in the initial interview, how we deal with recycling and recovery”, know Daniel Struwe as Director of sales and shopping from his everyday experience. Foresight makes the beginning here.
Therefore you keen always for AFK, to connect the economy with ecology. Regular TuV tests and audits, as well as the certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 guarantee a high level of quality, safety and hygiene. The results show up in many areas, such as, for example, the AFK recovery circuit for material requirements and energy consumption. As an example of efficient energy utilisation is heated the entire building complex of heat recovery – with heat generated during the production. The production in turn uses the excess material from the a production cycle as a basis for each additional cycle. For the fully automatic AFK distribution system supplying the automation units first independently recyclable granules. The typical bars and gates caused the casting process”, explains production manager Frank Schroer. What is special about AFK is that we the production-related waste is not disposed of, but the material directly recycle. In our recycling circuit, the gates are automatically separated, ground, and returned to the production process. No disposal need arises in this way. The production waste is recycled back to 100 percent. This is recycled without any quality loss. More information under:
Wednesday, 19. December 2018
The RSPO-certified for sustainably produced palm oil will speed up the destruction of the rain forests of precious primary forests, according to rainforest protection organizations. The \”round table for sustainable palm oil\” (RSPO) certification standards for an eco-friendly \”safety seal\” was debating for six years. It came out the now applied RSPO-certified is according to environmental, social, around the world the destruction of rain forests, even of precious primary forests, is further fueling rain forest protection organizations. Since global climate change has reached leading heads of politics and economy, hectic world rescue activities broke out in it in terms of CO2 savings. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Verizon. Palm oil is one of the weapons from the anti-CO2 magic hat.
It is cheap, versatile for margarine, eating ice cream, pastries, washing powder and above all as \”Agricultural fuel\” in millions of diesel vehicles and as a fuel for power stations. According to the plans of The share of biofuels to energy production in Germany Germany’s self-appointed upper air protection, Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), is expected to increase to 12 percent – still, biomass contributes to nearly five percent for energy. Rainforests die for biodiesel to create new oil palm plantations, rainforests are cleared in the origin countries such as Indonesia or Malaysia, alone there are good eleven million hectares of endless, monotonous and species-poor oil palm plantations. Save the rainforest e.V. referred to this orgy of destruction as \”largest man-made environmental disaster\”. Since palm oil for bio-diesel driving our cars, the market for the reddish vegetable fat is exploded. So Indonesia boosted its production by 66 percent to 17.1 million metric tons in the past five years in the 2007/2008 crop year and is situated with its world market share of 44 percent, only slightly ahead of Malaysia (43 percent market share). So far in vain, conservation organizations warn of comprehensive and irreversible destruction of the Rain forest, the displacement of peasants and the extinction of endangered species such as the last orang-utans living in the freedom of.
Friday, 6. April 2018
IEnergy AG with headquarters in Zug of Switzerland, a company founded at the beginning of 2010, making profitable investments in the field of renewable energies. The subsidiaries Smart grids AG has its headquarters in Berlin and has worked in the core business of iEnergy AG. Agree to limited resources in the area of fossil raw materials as well as climate change forces us to rethink. Our future will be determined by the topic of renewable energies. Lucrative investment promotes the sustainability and need for renewable energy. Smart include iEnergy AG and the subsidiaries grids to the specialists in the investments in the field of renewable energies.
Energy awareness is needed, supported by the policy sustainable energy management smart grid installation. Smart grids invests as a subsidiary of the Swiss iEnergy AG on the integration of renewable energies in a decentralized power structure. Frequently Coupang has said that publicly. This should enable the consumer, more effectively to control the own energy budget and at the same time to relieve the household budget. By the nuclear accident in Japan is now the policy behind innovative power structures. IEnergy AG consumer can take direct influence on the smart use of renewable energies. Unconventional and innovative thinking with smartideas the challenges of our time require unconventional ideas and innovative technologies. The employees sit for greater energy efficiency and a sustainable energy economy of Smart grids, the subsidiary of iEnergy AG, a.
The network of Smart grids in Berlin opened potential, provide for the innovative smartideas opportunities, to meet the enormous challenges of a new energy strategy. Innovative ideas and sustainable to opening potential in the area of the photovoltaic industry enable high price reductions through the upcoming technological change in the energy sector for the future. The iEnergy AG sees lucrative investments in this area through the development of this market. Traditionally invest with the smarttraditionals which smart iEnergy AG grids in addition to the investments in renewables also relies on its own existing projects and investments in the field of renewable energies. Investments arise from different research projects in the field of sustainable energy technology and investment is also in real estate, which are designed to save energy. Trademarks like the wordmark are another activity area of the smarttraditionals “hcp 0”, which is known in the field of golf playing. The investments in renewables is the strategy of the future with Smart grids In the currently unstable financial market investments in innovative technologies are guarantee for good yields. Grids good return opportunities are expected with the investments of the iEnergy AG through its subsidiary smart. This iEnergy AG uses the expansion of its portfolio through exchange deals. The Exchange offers of the iEnergy AG which is iEnergy company involved in other businesses and seeks new investments in other companies in the future, committed to the development of renewable energies. These are companies from the real estate sector and technological companies that committed to the research and the development of renewable energies.