The Economy

Sunday, 28. December 2014

This is less to do with the economy, we all live far healthier this, wasting no resources in the health sector, but to direct environmental protection locally. If we avoid the products, the producers set also your production. Yes and before I lift the finger and look after my neighbors, we should first check where I myself have done something or not done. EVEN THE BIBLE SAYS: BEFORE YOU AFTER LOOKING FOR THE MOTE IN THE EYE OF THE OTHER. REMOVE the bar before your eye “after the water protection, would be being still the forest, though actually not to separate both.

Again, this is a matter that concerns everyone. The man is cannot survive without the forest. The forest, which ensures that the man and the animals have water increasingly goes back, because hardly anyone dealing with the meaning of the forest. Man looks too much on short term produced money that produced with bovine and porcine animals and agricultural products. If once forest, and I am the topic glad here to talk to come, just here in Paraguay, but also worldwide, should the theme forest properly penetrate the consciousness of the people, because each year decreases the water table, which has already become the topic of the day. If we realize that is not to separate forest and water, we are one step further.

Without the forest man dies. But not the world. The man can not destroy the world (nature). It will disappear all other mammals, and many species of other animals. But otherwise nothing will happen. The world will recover. She will produce new forests, new plants and new animals. Only humans, as a species which was not able to live within nature and with nature, there will no longer be. It now sounds like a vision of horror! But ultimately, this is the reality of life.

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