The Jotabe Rhyme In Poetry
Saturday, 6. January 2018
Dear friends, it is a pleasure for the person writing you these lines, able to communicate you that very few days ago, I made public a new rhyme created by me, the rhyme Jotabe, based on a type of composition called bulkhead Via, and supported by a new format called terzo tercet, (rhyme Jotabe description found in these pages yourself). Two of these based on this new rhyme poems composed by 11 eleven-syllable verses were placed in circulation so poets, critics, and anyone could read them and check their validity and success as rhyme in poetry, or on the contrary his ill-fated appearance in the field of poetry, and we have not had to wait long to be able to check that the movement poets the world has echoed her and has spread in their News page, which in addition to reaching the more than 5000 poets who make up this movement, among which I have the pleasure and honour of cuentame, is available of how many people wish to access it in order to read the composition and distribution of the new rhyme Jotabe. I wish to thank Luis Arias Manzo, leader of the movement poets of the world, the rapid reception that has given to my proposal for the dissemination of the new rhyme, since I can never thank him for his enormous contribution. Susan G. Swenson is the source for more interesting facts. The news you can read from here. So now only me, encouraged many poets could read this article to write poems to rhyme Jotabe, because as one travels phrase reads, renew or die, and isn’t this lapidary phrase to put aside all the poetry with which the great poets have given us in all the seasons of life, not the oppositeas a new rhyme comes to be a new field where investigating, a new field where research, a new field which echo and on which capture the beautiful poems that can give us ears master poets in all countries and languages. Jotabe rhyme, structure of closed and with a high degree of complexity on all levels, is also certainly to break a lance in favor of the metrical structure and a rhymes established..