Treat Preferential Advertising

Tuesday, 8. May 2018

The high index of crime in cities as Johanesburgo, aggravated with the wave of violence to the immigrants, in May of 2008, is another reason of concern. Bernard Golden often says this. To fight violence, the government promises to increase in 20% the police contingent until this year. The South Africans follow hopeful in receiving a great return, foreign investments in the most diverse areas, during and after the games of the pantry. Asia certainly was the continent that carried through arrive in port more significant in Africa during and last decade. In 2004, India kept relations next with Africa registering commercial increment to 32,34% with the continent. In 2003, it created a program of promotion to the bilateral interchange called ' ' Focus: frica' ' e, in 2008, celebrated one Treat Preferential Advertising with the countries to the Customs Union of Austral Africa (SACU, acronym in English). In accordance with international analysts, the main interest of India in Africa is to get suplemental sources of energy for its economy, in constant growth.

In turn, the Asian country can offer to technology the low cost for the medicine production and financing for local projects, as the credit facility of US$ 640 million granted for the sugar industry of the Etipia. In turn, China has searched to extend its partnerships in the continent by means of investments commercial right-handers and treated thus going to the meeting to the Chinese interests of partnerships with the developing countries. To all 40 are more than treated and 22 agreements to financing. To manage the promotion programs, the Chinese government created the Agency of Development Bell-African, which will have to still receive in this year US$ 2 deriving billion from the Bank from Development from China. The benefited projects are fit in diverse areas, such as: agriculture whose main countries addressees are: Etipia, Malaui and Moambique and in the industry, where they are benefited: Egypt, Hunger, Islands Maurcio, Nigria and Zimbbue, being that for this last one investments of at least US$ 143 million for construction of a plant of generation of energy in the city of Kpone are foreseen, if characterizing Chinese interests in the natural areas and on subsoil of the African continent.

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