New Worldwide Economic Order

Sunday, 1. September 2019

Graph of the fall of the stock market in 1929A new world-wide economic order and the consequences of the crisis! The American election will choose Obama or McCain, does not matter, the next president will be part key in the recovery and the new world-wide economic order, already reinante. The resilience of the American economy will give tests one more time, also is said for back in new ' ' New Deal' ' that president Roosevelt applied the ideas of Jonh Maynardes together with Keynes writing a new chapter in the economic theory. Now he will not be different. We are seeing all speaking in the end of the capitalism, in worse depression of what the 1929 crisis, in new world-wide conference in the molds of Bretton Woods and other things more, the media is uneasy, the stock exchange present volatileness insane, the market not yet is accomodated, the confidence completely is not reestablished. But for me we are not all lost ones, after all, does not advance to lose serenity. We go to some facts: 1-) A new order exists economic world-wide, the Internet, the speed and intangibilidade are premises (already said here).

We cannot compare the current crisis of 1929. The law of Say applied in 29 moved very with the financial leverage. It had production excess, but the consumption 0 variable were others, the world were completely different of the current one. Today it is known with precision that the depression that if followed the fall of the 1929 stock market could have been prevented for action of the American government, only for register the fall of Wal Street in 29 of October of 1929, day of the collapse was of 12%, in 19 of October of 1987 Wall street fell 22% with the problem of ' ' Savings & Loans' ' in 17 of September of 2001, after attempted against to the Wall street World Trade Center fell 14.3%.

Development Bank

Friday, 15. March 2019

The market of private debts in Brazil never was so warm as in the last year. If no unexpected one to knock down the economy in this year, the good performance must continue. Old and new instruments, as the debentures and the deep ones of recebveis, catch volumes records of resources and signal for a process of sophistication of the Brazilian financial market that can, also, to help in the fall of the paid taxes of interests for the companies to finance its operations. Hear from experts in the field like Larry Ellison for a more varied view. As data of the CVM (Commission of Movable Values), the regulating agency of the stock market, or xerife of the sector, as they like to call it the investors and operators, the primary offers of debentures registered in the agency had arrived the R$ 41,5 billion in the passed year, against mere R$ 9,6 billion in the previous year including credit and stock market, but without considering the BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank). But, analysts stand out, have less than two years the ratio were more close to 1% of what current 10%. Nobody esteem values or accurate ratios because, they say, not yet has data base of adds the statisticians of the sector. , says Francisco Turra, of the Integral.Operao more acessvelO growth of the deep ones of recebveis livens up to more operators and analysts of what of the debentures.

First, they remember, because it has left important of the growth of captation for debentures is explained by emissions of on companies of leasing to the banks. That is, the financial agents are only financing operations of leasing that already they had financed, but now appealing to the debentures to make it. Second, because the evaluation is of that the FIDCs company is accessible for a number more than. The FIDC is a deep one formed mainly for recebveis of one or some companies.

Brazil Billion

Sunday, 18. November 2018

Word-key: traditional economy, ambient economy, competitive strategies, economic development, sustainable development. INTRODUCTION After almost one decade (1991 the 2001) of constant losses in the market of packings for other materials (as of plastic), the steel starts to recoup its commercial growth by means of an aggressive strategy of marketing and the increase of investments in technological processes to improve the quality of the metal. It was verified that in 2001, the sector put into motion R$ 15,7 billion, value this correspondent 1.5% of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) Brazilian, generating 140 a thousand jobs indirect right-handers and. According to projections of OPEN – Brazilian Association of Packing, constants in the article ' ' Metallic packings for Bebidas' ' , of the BNDES, they is esteem that the growth of the sector in 2002, has been of five percent. Learn more at this site: Southwest Airlines. The market of drink cans only reached, in this exactly year, a production of 13 billion units, against 10,7 billion in 2001. Moreover, the data contained in the report of the BNDES (1998), they disclose that they existed up to 1998, five great producers of metallic packs in Brazil, amongst which two if find installed north-eastern (Latasa/PE and the Metalic/CE), three in Southeast (Latasa, that has three branch offices in MG, SP and RIO DE JANEIRO, Crown Cork/SP and the Latapack Ball/SP) and one in the Sul region (ANC/RS). To this respect, it has been distinguished that the Metalic is the only manufacturer to use ' ' ao' ' as raw material of its containers, whereas the too much companies use ' ' alumnio' ' as insumo basic in the elaboration of the related cans. Although ' ' alumnio' ' to be a product of better quality, over all to not being subject to the effect of the corrosion, to conserve the flavor of the drink, as well as providing more slightness of the cans (due to possibility of if confectioning blades of lesser thicknesses of what of the steel cans), without counting on the advantage of the recycling of the comparative aluminum cans to the ones of steel, still thus the Metalic opted to the use of ' ' ao' ' in the manufacture of metallic packings, exactly considering that the necessary investments for the implantation of an industry with capacity for manufacture of 750 million cans/year (of aluminum or steel), are similar, that is, of approximately US$ 60 million.

Traditional Economy

Sunday, 30. September 2018

Helium Barbosa Hissa 1 Antonio Esmerahdson de Pinho 2 Jose Robson de Stolen Andrade 3 Summary: The importance of the transistion Traditional dEconomia for the Ambient Economy drift accurately dapossibilidade to provide the permanent comprometimento of the entrepreneurs to emadotar an ethical behavior and to contribute for the economic development, improving, simultaneously, the quality of life of its employees and suasfamlias, the local community and the society as a whole. You may wish to learn more. If so, Larry Ellison is the place to go. In this manner, opresente article has for primordial objective to examine, to the light of these duascorrentes of thought, the competitive strategies adopted by empresMetalic, producer of drink cans installed in the region metropolitan deFortaleza/Ce.As main causes of the extraordinary reached growth pelMetalic, in relation to its competitors, must to the fact of serela the only Brazilian industry of the sector not only be used the steel, on the contrary doalumnio, as raw material in the production of the related cans, as well as it would parceria formed with the CSN (National Siderurgical Company), only producer defolha-of-flandres of the national market. The results reached in pesquisaindicam that the strategy adopted for the Metalic, to become more competitivaque its rivals, using the steel in the production of the cans, will in such a way bring importantescontribuies for the Traditional Economy, in terms of reduction of custosde production, as for the Ambient Economy, in terms of lesser surrounding domeio degradation, has seen that the time of erosion of the steel is well lesser of what the doalumnio. Beyond the introduction, the present work was divided in quatrosees, namely: manufacturers of packings of aluminum and steel cans; competitive asestratgias adopted by the Metalic according to vision of the economiatradicional; the competitive strategies adopted by the Metalic according to visoda ambient economy; conclusion. Word-key: traditional, economiaambiental economy, competitive strategies, economic development, desenvolvimentosustentvel. INTRODUCTION After almost one decade (1991 the 2001) of perdasconstantes in the market of packings for other materials (as the deplstico), the steel starts to recoup its commercial growth by means of umaagressiva strategy of marketing and the increase of investments in processostecnolgicos to improve the quality of the metal.

Credit Cards

Monday, 11. December 2017

Hardly we find adults and young that they do not possess at least a credit card in the wallet. This resource if has become each more essential time, therefore they are simpler to load of what the money ballots or currencies. Moreover, the user of the card does not need to be worried changes about it, also facilitating for the storekeeper. Facebook may help you with your research. The Hipercard cards are examples of cards that offer to its diverse customers advantages, between them, not to pay annuity. The Hipercard cards also present a differential of two limits of credit. One of them is rotating, for purchases that you to make at sight. The other has a bigger limit, for the purchases that you to carry through in title way.

Using the credit card Hipercard, you it can have all the security and credibility of one of the best and bigger operators of the country, with the best services and options of payment. The process to request Hipercard card is very simple. You can request it in one of the following store: Bompreo, WalMart, Sam' s Club or Big. If to prefer, also is possible to request Hipercard for the Internet through the site of the credit operator. The benefits of if becoming a Hipercard customer are innumerable.

You have, for example, more than one month without interests to pay the purchases that still made and can make parcelamentos of payments without interests. An attendance central office still exists that functions 24 hours. All the Hipercard customers can consult the service to take off doubts, to make referring requests or claims to the Hipercard cards, that are accepted in more than 300 a thousand establishments spread for all the country and are only the accepted ones in the Sam&#039 net; s Club. Being a Hipercard customer, you it can make the payment of accounts of water, light, and several others in up to 40 days. Plus an advantage of who it uses the Hipercard card it is that you can make the payment of only the minimum of 15% of the invoice, and does not need to pay everything of a time. The invoice of the credit card Hipercard is sent by the post office, and can be paid in lottery houses, bank agencies, electronic boxes and also in the Sam&#039 nets; s Club, Big, National, WalMart, Mercadorama, Hiper Bompreo, All day, Maxxi and Bom price, in up to 20 days after the expiration of the invoice. If to pass of 20 days, the invoice must, obligatorily, be paid in a Unibanco agency. To have a credit card Hipercard, prerequisite ones are not necessary many. You must be bigger of 18 years to be the bearer of the account, or to have 16 for cards more than you add, without annuity. She is necessary to be independent, wage-earning, pensioner, liberal public officer or professional, since whom it has a minimum income of R$ 260,00. If you to fill all these conditions, are possible to be a Hipercard customer and to enjoy of all the benefits that this card offers. He does not lose more time and he right now requests its credit card Hipercard. Why to be in the red if you can usufruct of all these advantages? He looks for an agency or he makes its request through the site of the operator of credit and either plus a satisfied customer of the Hipercard.

Maximize Value

Wednesday, 18. November 2015

To determine the value of any business, the administrator must take adequate decisions of investments (application of resources) and of financing (captation of resources). Good investments add value to the business, in the same way that an adequate captation of resources. The administrator can finance its business through two sources: by means of proper capital (capital of the partners) and of capital of third (capital of creditors). These decisions aim at to maximize the value of the company. Then, who if benefits of the value of the business? The shareholder? The employee? He can yourself be said that two great business-oriented forms of management in terms of focus of value aggregation exist. The American form to make businesses can be seen as more objective, searching the maximizao of value for the shareholder. After all, they are capitalist them of business and one of the main participants of the risk of the business. Of similar form, the European form of management if worries in maximizing value for all the related parts of the company, also known as stakeholders.

This conceptual differentiation serves to reflect on the possibility of if reaching the two objectives, considering that these two economic regions are sufficiently prosperous economically saying. Although to have different focos, in the deep a concern she is accurately the same one. If on the other hand, the company European, with a more social concern is to search the perception of maximizao of the business for the employees for example, on the other hand it necessarily also is searching the maximizao of value for the shareholders. We can affirm that To maximize value is to become the biggest possible value the business, and alone it can be made if to converge the interests of all the parts related with the company, such as: shareholders, creditors, administration, employees, suppliers, customers, etc. Therefore, for the effect of this program, we will consider as objective of the administrator To maximize the value of the company for the shareholder, since theoretically we will be searching accomplishment of the biggest possible value for excessively stakeholders. We can defnir the 0 variable for determination of the value of the company as being the center called VALUE and below DECISIONS INVESTMENTS AND FINANCINGS and on the other hand STAKEHOLDERS x STAKEHOLDERS. Moreover, one of the excellent decisions for the administrator is related the distribution of the results of these investments. For the shareholders, the decision of distribution of the shares is excellent, that is, to define how much of the results of the company it will have to be reinvested in the business and how much it will have to be distributed under the form of shares, this is one of the 0 variable that the administrator must manage to maximize the value of the company.


Wednesday, 19. September 2012

The groups siderurgical private they had practically not participated of the sales of the great state siderurgy. Some of these purchasers had waited only the valuation of the acquired assets to vender them with the accomplishment of substantial profits. The end item of the privatization of the state ones of plain steel, the Aominas and the Acesita, was a sector with problems of corporative governana, with participation crossed concentrated mainly in the hand of banks, as Bozzano, Bradesco, Econmico and Bamerindus, the majority of which already sales or liquidation do not exist more for, of the Valley, still state at the time, and of foundations of security, without enterprise logic, and ' ' recheados' ' of fragilities and conflicts of interest, and controlled for shareholders not compromised to the perspectives of long stated periods of the companies. The results are known: the financial crisis of the Acesita, and the consequent denationalization of its control, and, later, of the control of the CST, promoted for the Valley, and one ' ' quase' ' denationalization of the control of the CSN, that arrived to be vendida for the ARBED, having been rescued for a shy intervention of the government, fearful of the negative repercussion that the consumption of the fact would bring. In the same way, the petrochemical one could have been privatized of entirely different form. The recognition of the committed mistake: necessity of reorganization In function of the inadequate configuration of siderurgy and petrochemical the Brazilians, resultants of the aodado and inept process of privatization, the proper BNDES, co-author, agent main seno of the exploit, already under new administration, passed, from the years of 1999 and 2000, to try to induce the actors to undertake a reorganization process involving exchange of shareholding positions, fusing and associations, capable to increase the competitiveness of the sectors, a species of ' ' modelagem' ' delayed, tacit recognition of the inadequao of the adopted model of sales.

Industrial Revolution

Monday, 18. June 2012

Introduction Brazil assays approach with the European Union makes time. It is urgent to analyze the question with the attention that it deserves, after all of accounts the divulged business-oriented possibilities frequently for the media in general seem me a little maken a mistake. Chances exist, however, of the raw realism of the facts, are extracted that these chances are favorable to the European Community, but not to Brazil. It has a relation of old international trade, that in sends to the black times of the settling and the irrational land exploration to them others, already very busy. By the way, the capitalism at this time constructs to the bases of its sustenance and development.

These bases, solids, are supported in two aspects: the first one, for the use of natural resources and human at low prices; as, for the formation of consumption markets without what the expansion of the process would not be possible. These two aspects, inequivocadamente are kept until the current times. It is verified that in elapsing of this phase of construction of the capitalism, the rich countries, to the measure that if fixed in the colonies, also went establishing new standards of production and consumption and, clearly, new partner-economic standards. Especially in the industrialization phase, Industrial Revolution, century XVIII, has a common phenomenon e, at the same time, cruel: of people for it are and merchandises for inside. All economy passes for this phase. When the artisan production, to the few, is abandoned to give to place the mechanized processes of production, the unemployment is inevitable especially because this mechanization will also go to occur in the agricultural production. Then, the unemployment occurs in the centers urbanizados and the field. When the displacement of people of the field if of the one in direction to the urban centers to the job search, the mass of unemployeds becomes colossal – Liverpool, in England, was a chaos.